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SCV have released version 2 of the Draft BDZ Structure Plan for comment. We are evaluating the drawing and text over Chrismas / New Year and will contact everyone to share ideas and comments/suggestions. On the face of it the new drawing is moving in the right direction but we remain concerned about some of the key issues and the terminology used. The constrained areas that have appeared on past plans by GHD have morphed from "Conservation Areas Development Exclusion Zones" to SCA (Special Control Areas) to CZ (Conservation Zones) to what are now called "Detailed Area Plan (Conservation)" over time. This is confusing and it is difficult to know if this is intended to be so or if the consultant is finally listening to land owners. In this most recent drawing the green color has gone and is now only used for POS as would be expected on a Structure Plan.

POS on Lot 10 and Lot 1891 has been rationalized and pushed back to the west so improving the views from coastal lots in exchange for POS on the Swale area. Some absolute beach front lots have been created and this is very positive. The road system is much as SBLOG suggested and in some respects improved and reduced in total length.

On Lots 8, 7 & 9 the area contained with in "Detailed Area Plan (Conservation)" zones has been reduced and the text clearly supports subdivision with reasonable yield expectations but some of the wording is confusing and needs clarification before we can relax our efforts or assume a positive outcome. We are not sure why the POS shown running over all lots has been confined to Lot 9 nor do we understand why part of Lot 7 has been shown as DAP(C)

More soon on these issues.....

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