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Nov 15th Concept Plan

After discussions with Gail, we have modified the concept plan and notes. Here is the latest.

Consultation with Gail Berminham - Thursday 15th Nov 2013

Gail made the following observation and suggestions:

  • Generally she thinks the new plan is a positive step forward from where GHD left us.

  • Best to focus on the broad brush zoning and core road issues without getting into too much detail at this stage.

  • Agrees the new Community Connector road alignment over Lots 1891 & Lot 10 is far better. Gail thinks that feeding off Whitehill Rd will be less complex for the Shire as Geraldton Shire won't need to be involved as much… as compared with a T intersection to Drummonds Cove Rd as suggested by the MoE.

  • Suggested R5 for all of Lot 1891. Showing any R15 could trigger many other issues such as studies to determine the capacity of the sewer treatment plant and reticulation (pumping stations etc) and it will always be possible in the future to apply for an amendment to this Structure Plan / TPS 2 if higher density becomes feasible.

  • Agrees that running East West roads on boundaries is the best strategy as it gives each land owner the option of developing alone by applying to move the road reserve onto their land or by getting consent from the neighbour to build 50/50 road reserve on each property.

  • Supports the location of the access road onto the highway (subject of course to Main Roads agreeing to this location) I pointed out that Main Roads had already studied the situation and lines of sight and approved this location for the access to the Pearl Gallery and Chalets.

  • Thinks that the provision of POS on the Swale is the best way forward for all the land owners because of the drainage issues and need for land fill etc.

  • Supports the Hybrid lot concept for all Lots in SBLOG adjacent POS or Conservation Zones.

  • Suggests that we refrain from suggesting a lot size (3,500m2 etc) for these hybrid lots as a lower lot size may be possible at a later stage when detailed vegetation studies are carried out to support building envelopes during the subdivision process. Suggests we prepare some draft text for inclusion in the Structure Plan given that the consultant has not started on this yet.

  • Agrees that a school etc is not appropriate in this far northern development area when there are several school sites in Glenfield and Glenfield Beach already identified and when Bluff Point enrolments are falling.

  • Any commercial activities have to be considered at this stage so all SBLOG members should think about this now.

Gail will review the concept further over the weekend (she was unwell earlier this week and took a couple of days off).

Rick & Kevin have arranged to meet Simon Landcaster on Monday 9am at the Shire offices to discuss the concept plan. The drawing will be tabled but not handed over at this stage… it will be a "conversation piece" as he is so fond of saying.

We would like to see some commitment to support our ideas and feel that this is the least he can do given the way this process has been managed by the Shire and their consultants from day one. Clearly the way in which GHD were engaged and managed has led to the EPA taking over and/or imposing major constraints over some of the most valuable land in SBLOG. We now want the Shire to help us fix what they started.

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